Sunday, June 10, 2012

Rough sketch of a person in a wheelchair.  He has no face because its rough.  And it was just a small idea.
 Kind of reminds me of either Sly Coopers staff or the Riddlers staff.

Probably the same staff resting against a wall.  Plus my attempt at shading it.
 Massive fire in the middle of now where.  Perhaps the person at the base of it is burning something?  Evidence to something?  Van sitting in the background with its lights on.  OR if you can see in the smoke there are two people kissing.  Completely unintentional.

Probably the same person walking past a massive pit with a statue or monument behind them.

Portal 2 drawing.  One of the robots throwing the portal gun.

Yay photography.  

Friday, June 1, 2012

Sketches of an Emerald Boa.  The little guy likes to sling himself on a branch.  Only position I could find of them.

More flowers.  More realistic flowers.  They are Amazon Orchids.   Not much else to say...

Origami crane.  Drew it because of Heavy Rain.  What an amazing game/interactive movie.

 Final idea for a tattoo project.  Plus some watercolour "practice".

Just some random doodling with a super fine point and a fine point sharpie.  Probably my favorite utensil, Sharpies.